County of Los Angeles Public Library Virtual Reference Library Search: Greek Mythology, or your specific god/heroic figure Use the barcode number on the back of your Manhattan Beach Public Library Card to login. If you don't have your own library card, you can use the MCHS ID # MCHS Library Acct: 1111652201702
Recommended Websites For the following sites, you'll have to create citations. See below for an example of how to site a website. Or, please see the citation tab for more info on how to create citations. You can try, MyBib to generate citations, but NOTE: When using a citation machine ALWAYS check the results for accuracy.
IN TEXT (Looser). WORKS CITED (TWO AUTHORS) Gresock, Mary, and Lisette Steinwald. "Rainstorms and Symphonies: Performing Arts Bring Abstract Concepts of Life." Edutopia, 5 Oct. 2016, IN TEXT (Gresock and Steinwald). WORKS CITED (THREE OR MORE AUTHORS) Meller, Wendy B., et al. "Using Read-Alouds with Critical Literacy Literature in K-3 Classrooms." Reading Rockets, 2009, IN TEXT (Meller et al.)
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Example of an MLA citation of a BOOK
WORKS CITED (ONE AUTHOR) Burnett, Mark T. Shakespeare and World Cinema. Cambridge UP, 2015. IN TEXT (Burnett 98).
WORKS CITED (TWO AUTHORS) Levy, Michael, and Farah Mendlesohn. Children's Fantasy Literature: An Introduction. Cambridge UP, 2016. IN TEXT (Levy and Mendlesohn 62). WORKS CITED (THREE OR MORE AUTHORS) Morrow, Lesley M., et al. Oral Language and Comprehension in Preschool: Teaching the Essentials. Guilford Press, 2016. IN TEXT (Morrow et al. 4).
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Mr Piorek's Assignment - Fall 2024
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