The Mira Costa High School Library serves the students, staff, and parents at Mira Costa High School. Mira Costa High School is part of the Manhattan Beach Unified School District.
Library Mission: To empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users and creators of information.
Hours may vary due to altered bell schedules, class presentations or meetings. Students can visit the library on their own during snack and back 1/2 of lunch, unassigned periods, Office Hours, or during class with a pass from their teacher. Teachers can also schedule class visits to the library for research, reading, and book selection.
Staff/Contact: Teacher librarian - Mrs Forier [email protected] 310-318-7337 x5048 1401 Artesia Blvd. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Materials: The library has approximately 20,000 print books and other materials for school use and pleasure reading. The library catalogis web-based and available from any web browser. The library subscribes todatabasesand also works with the Los Angeles County Library for access to its databases. All electronic resources are accessible both on campus and off campus.
Circulation Information: Books are checked out for two weeks and may be renewed pending no holds on the item. Please be sure to return or renew items when they are due in order to check out additional materials and to give other students access.
Printing Students can go to Room 42, the photocopy room, before school, during snack, or during lunch to get papers printed. There are no student printers in the library.