Need help with citations? The MCHS English Department uses MLA citations. Your teacher or librarian is happy to help, but the following resources can be helpful if you need help right away.
California State University Dominguez Hills - About MLA CSULD provides a great video - featured below - as well as a quick overview of how to format in-text citations and works cited pages using MLA
Purdue Owl - MLA Guide Purdue Owl provides users an overview on how to cite sources using MLA 9th edition, including how to format the Works Cited page and in-text citations.
MLA Style Citation Examples The Lib Guide from B.D. Owens Library gives examples of how to cite a variety of sources.
**Remember you need to cite any media (photos, videos, music) that you use.** Citing Media (TASL) Title Author Source License
Citation Machines Be careful! Make sure you are asking the machine to create the correct format - MLA Not all popular citation machines are accurate! If you use a citation machine, you should always confirm the accuracy of the citation that is generated before adding it to your works cited page. BibGuru is a an example of a citation machine that can be helpful.