One of the new-to-me tools I just learned about at the conference I attended last month is MentorMob's online learning platform allows you to curate and sequence websites, videos, blogs, and your own text into learning playlists for your students. It is very easy to use, and definitely worth trying for homework assignments, flipped instruction, and more. You can also search the site for existing playlists created by other site participants that you can use or copy and adapt.
To see my first experiment with it, created as a homework assignment follow-up to a digital citizenship lesson I did for Steve Davidson’s Health students, click here: It includes a couple of videos, an infographic, some guide text I wrote, and an embedded Google form for the students to complete. You can also browse the large collection of existing playlists for ideas of how to use this tool.
To sign up for a free account, select the Edu option on the homepage.
Let me know if I can help you with using Mentormob.