Easily Capture Student Feedback Using Google Forms
If you want an easy way of getting feedback from your students at the end of the year, consider creating a Google Form. Just open Google Drive, click Create -> Form, and get started. Forms take just minutes to set up, can include a whole variety of answer types, your students can respond to them either on a computer or mobile device, and you will then have the responses online in a way that you can sort, get totals, etc.
One problem with a Google Forms is that the URL is too long for anyone to type. Here are two solutions:
If you use Edmodo or have a website or blog, you can include the link to the form in it.
You can create an “easy to type” shortcut url to the form using a site called bit.ly. Just go to bit.ly, paste in the url of the form, and it will provide a shortcut you can post on your board and ask students to type. Better yet, open a free account with bit.ly and you can customize the shortcut.
If you haven’t used forms before and aren’t ready to come up to speed on them right now, I’d be happy to create a form for you. Just get in touch with me.