SORA - come by the library to learn how to access eBook through Sora - it is free and easy. Tutorial coming soon...
Mackin eBooks The Mira Costa Library offers a small collection of ebooks from MackinVIA. Once you click the link, you will be asked to enter your school (Mira Costa High School) a username (miracosta) and password (mchs).
Follett eBooks The library also has a small ebooks collection from Follett. To check out these popular title ebooks:
Visit the library catalog online through this direct line.
If you see a list of district libraries, be sure to select Mira Costa High School.
Click Login at the top right of the Mira Costa Library Catalog screen. Username = Student ID# and password = destiny.
To see all the ebooks, select Resource Lists from the left menu bar and then Public Lists from the tab at the top right. Then select the eBooks list.
To view information about an ebook in the list, click on the title or on Details.
Choose Read Online to browse a book and decide if you want it, or choose Check Out Online to check the book out.
Once your book is checked out, you will have it for two weeks, unless you choose to return it earlier. You can access it at any time by logging into your library catalog account and selecting the My Info tab.