Recommended Databases:
SIRS Issues Researcher SIRS Discover GALE Environmental Science ProQuest eLibrary ProQuest Central Student user: mbusd password: Beach*18 Newspaper Articles: ProQuest U.S. Major Dailies user: mbusd password: Beach*18 Recommended Government Websites: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) National Center for Atmospheric Research (National Science Foundation) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Change Facts (NASA) United Nations Climate Action U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) U.S. Global Change Research Program Other Recommended Websites Carbon Footprint, Ltd. Center for Climate & Energy Solutions (C2ES) Global Warming: Early Warning Signs Pew Center on Global Climate Change Union of Concerned Scientists Videos: PBS user: mbusd password: Beach*18 |
Boolean Operators
Simple words used to combine or exclude key terms in a database search. Saves time and effort by helping get more focused and productive results. AND = requires both terms to be present - LIMITS results Ex: cats AND dogs - results will include resources that have both OR = requires either term to be present - EXPANDS results Ex: cats OR dogs - results will include resources with cats, with dogs, and with both cats and dogs NOT = eliminates a term - LIMITS results Ex: cats NOT dogs - results will include resources about cats, but if dog is mentioned in the cat resource it will be excluded from results |