Here are the basic steps you will follow for this assignment to create a blog:
Be sure to get parent permission to begin your blog.
If you do not already have a Google account, go to to create one.
You DON'T need to include your full name for your public profile. You can use just a last initial.
You will definitely want to add an avatar for your photo, but you can do that later.
You will need to open your email in a new tab or window and click the confirmation link to confirm your account.
Link to Blogger (, the Google blogging software, login to your Google account, and sign up for a Blogger account.
If you want to be private, you can choose a display name that doesn't reveal your real name. This is the name that will appear as the author of each of your postings.
Now, choose a blog title and blog address (URL). Choose with care - you can't change this later!
Select an initial theme for your blog. This can be changed later.
You are the proud owner of a new blog!
Submit your blog information to your teacher.
As you have time, you will want to work on your blog layout and contents and on creating a cool avatar.
Before you begin writing your first posting, please read these blog guidelines. Also, use these guidelines when you comment on other students' blogs.